Towards a New Humanism: Peter McLaren and Nathalia Jaramillo
Written by two of North Americas leading educational activists and scholars, Pedagogy and Praxis in
the Age of Empire is a clarion call to build a post-capitalist society. According to McLaren and Jaramillo, much of the work in critical pedagogy remains dangerously removed from discussions of social class and class struggle. The authors contend that critical investigations into education (in both formal and non-formal sectors) must be undertaken in relation to current theories of globalized capitalism, imperialism and empire-building.
McLaren and Jaramillo examine from a Marxist humanist perspective the politics of evangelical Christianity in the Bush administration and the dominant neoliberal ideology of imperialism that shapes the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and other social initiatives affecting primarily racial and
ethnic minority student populations in the U.S.
In each chapter the authors apply the core principles of Marxist humanism to the development of what they term revolutionary critical pedagogy. The closing chapter delves deep into the relations between revolutionary critical pedagogy and the politics of organization as evinced in contemporary Latin American social movements. Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire extends previous discussions of critical pedagoy and is formulated to help teachers and students challenge current educational policies and practices in light of socialist alternatives.
PB ISBN 90-77874-84-4 Spring 2007 For more information go to
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